African American Women In The Workplace Essay

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There are less opportunities for African American woman in the workforce. Women in general, face a "glass ceiling" in the workplace that prevents them from moving up to positions such as supervisors and managers (Mitra, 2003). It is even more challenging for African American woman to have a high position job. Black female supervisors with greater responsibilities often do not experience any significant wage premiums associated with greater job responsibilities. 26% of black women feel their talents aren’t recognized by their superiors, compared to 17% of white women (Kohn, S). If their talents are not recognized then they will have a less chance to getting promoted because their achievements are not being noticed and appreciated. There is nepotism in …show more content…

It is unethical for workplaces to favor friends and family members when it comes to hiring and promoting employees. The overall problem for African American women is taking a stance by fighting for equal employment rights. Since lawsuits are costly and time consuming, most African American women are intimidated to file a law suit knowing that an employer will retaliate. This does not justify that African American women should allow an employer to discriminate against them and accepting desperate treatment. After many years of being “singled” out, discriminated against and humiliated at a well-known federal health care organization in Cape May County New Jersey, a African American employee decided to fight for her rights of equal opportunities. This Particular employee filed with the Enforcement of Equal Opportunity Employment (EEOC) alleging that she was demoted three times for unjustified reasons, lower salary compare to whites and violation of the Family Leave Act (FMLA). The employee was the “only” African American women working in the Administrative department at the time the action actions took place. The first incident occurred in March 2012. During a

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