Advantages Of Green Roof

1983 Words4 Pages

Green roof are defined as roofs that support vegetation, covering either full or partial of live plant material. At present, cities are now considering extensive planting as a mean of improving of air quality. Green roof can also be a good material tool in the environment. Most of the time, people would be confused to identify the green roof with rooftop garden, although the benefit of green roof and rooftop garden are quite similar but there are significantly differences between the two. Green roof is always put up with layered system unlike rooftop garden that has characterized by built-in planting areas for food production and can occupy a small proportion of roofs, but in other places, they made green roof as there garden. …show more content…

Later then the green roof had a crossed the Europe in rural and agricultural supply. Green roof have been also found to make some improvements in a roof’s insulation. Advantages of considered, it has a documentation created that demonstrates the capability of green roofs on the decrease of the urban warmth all in all, exploration has been done to demonstrate that green roof can bring down surface and encompassing air temperature of just into specific area.

There are many benefits of green roof. They can be used as storm water management tool in which they reduce storm runoff. Green roof could provide attractiveness space for the house and building user, grow vegetables, flowers, and even fruits, helps to filter air pollutants and carbon dioxide in air. Plants on the roofs could help to reduce urban heat island effect (which is city temperature) by providing shading and evapotranspiration. Green roofs can make the roof cooler than natural roof because of the absorption of radiant heat from the sun through moist that substrates in plants and it can contribute a lot in energy saving in buildings and houses. Green roof can also significantly extend the life of a roof by protecting its

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