Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Civil War

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My opinion on the essay is that they had a good reason to start the Civil War for the slavery sake but could’ve handled it better which means instead of fighting they could’ve resolved in having a proclamation changed to where they could not have so many slaves in the South but still could have a reasonable amount of slaves. Also, they could’ve sold the slave families together instead of apart where the families where split up instead of in a whole. Another opinion is that the Civil War could’ve at least fought fairly in the situation since the North and the South had advantages and disadvantages. The advantages the North had was that they had an Army and military force which gave the North more supplies. Also, the North had more troops than the South so if the South killed most of the men they would …show more content…

The North had more troops to fight with which made the South not have a lot of men to work with and fight with so which meant that if the South had 300 men to start with and the North killed 100 that will leave the South with 200 people which meant that the South would automatically lose since there wasn’t enough soldiers to work with. Another disadvantage for the South was that there were not enough goods to keep them alive because the goods consisted of food, water, and medicine. So that meant they could easily run out of the supply because if there was 300 men fighting and they only had enough to supply the for a few days that could only last them a couple of days probably two at least. So, if a soldier got injured let’s say the soldier got shot in the shoulder there wouldn’t be enough supplies to keep his wound stable until they had enough supplies to keep him alive. Which could probably kill the soldier, also I forgot to mention that since there was not a lot of food going around most or some of the soldiers would starve so bad they would die which will decrease the amount of soldiers the South

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