Advantages And Disadvantages Of Machines

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Today in this Era of Modern Technology, new designs and innovations of existing technology have been used to improve our quality of life. Mankind now are surrounded by modern tools and gadgets which we can not live without such as computers, smartphones and modern vehicles such as automobiles and motorcycles. These things are quite expensive in the beginning but fortunately, these items are getting cheaper ever day because of the industries manufacturing these items in high quantity. Industries were greatly modernized in the Industrial Revolution with the development of factories and further innovated by Henry Ford with the introduction of assembly lines while using the division of labour which cuts down the industries some expenses due to higher efficiency and productivity. Now the industries are using automated machines replacing human labour in factories to manufacture the products aided by the development of robotic technology and computers. In a few decades, manpower in industries will soon be no longer needed since much of them will be replaced with automated machines due to the fact that automated machines are more efficient compared to human labour. It is also known that automated machines have a more consistent quality and productivity compared to human labour. Another reason is that industries are able to reduce or avoid direct labour costs like benefits and salaries. Hence machines can bring a lot of benefits to the economy but it comes with a price.

The automated machines will replace human labour because they are more efficient. Machines can also do more work of several humans making the automated machines more desirable by the employers to cut down production costs. Machines can be fitted to the job unlike the human...

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... efficiency also contributed a lot to the economy while reducing or avoiding the vulnerabilities to the employers which in turn benefits the consumers. However, the downsides are that people have lost jobs due to more employers using machines and widening inequality between those who have the knowledge of technology and those who do not. This does not mean that manpower will be entirely replaced by machines as humans should adjust themselves to instead work with the machines instead of competing against these machines. People should realize that as the use of machines increases so does the demand for jobs related to the machines. With this knowledge, the people should change themselves based on the current trends and further show that the most valuable quality of humans is that they are able to adjust themselves based on the environment and the needs of that time.

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