Advantages And Disadvantages Of Late Students

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When most people think about college life they often think about how stressed out a student must be over their classes, they almost always neglect the difficulties that professors also face. College is a diverse place filled with people from all types of backgrounds, with this multitude of people it also provides a large amount of different personalities. Professors face many unique challenges as they are bombarded by different students nearly every hour. Each student provides a different aspect to the learning environment, some students being more helpful than others. v There are three types of undesirable students in the average classroom, the complaining student, the late student, and the know it all. Professors are often put into undesirable …show more content…

Although this student tries very hard to persuade the classroom of their innocence, their Starbucks and overly groomed appearance may suggest an alternative reason for their late arrival. Many students who arrive late to school also conveniently have an excuse as to why they must leave early. On the odd occasion that they sit through an entire class period, they begin to criticize the professor for the difficulty they have understanding the material; completely neglecting the fact that they have been continuously absent. Professors find their desks piled with this student’s late work, some assignments going as far back to the first week of the semester. Professors are then promised an earful when they remind the student that late work is not accepted, of course the student was most likely not present when that was …show more content…

A professor’s day is confronted by negative students almost right from the start, however an experienced professor is able to maintain their composure and not take a student’s outburst personally. This paper focused on negative students making it seem as if all student are this way which is not true. There are also many amazing students who make a professor’s career choice worth it, although they are faced with many challenges they also are placed in a great position that allows them to watch dedicated students grow and

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