Adam Randall Young Research Paper

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Adam Randal Young was born July 5th, 1986. He grew up in a small town from Minnesota. Adam Young is a Christian man. He started making music in his parents basement while suffering from insomnia. Adam as of right now is a singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. He is best known for starting the project called Owl City. Owl City was created in 2007, it has gained a lot of popularity since it was created. Adam Young grew up as a kid in Owatonna, Minnesota. Adam started making music in his parents basement while suffering from insomnia. He still lives there, but he did actually move out of his parents house when he was 23 years old. Before he became a famous singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist he worked at a grocery store, a Coca-Cola factory, and UPS. He actually has 19 …show more content…

He was asked questions about his fifth album Mobile Orchestra. He was asked a total of eight questions, but I’m going to be focusing on two of them. The first question I will be focusing on is, “How do you feel like the featured artists, all coming from different genres and backgrounds, contributed to the picture you were trying to paint?” He replied by saying, “So happy with how it turned out. I’m trying to invite these different artists who are so good at what they do, from all corners of the music world.” To me, I think that this is pretty cool that he does this. He sings with different people from around the world. Not all around the world, but just from certain parts. That is pretty much all I have to say, about Owl City dealing with his albums and songs. I guess all I have to talk about now is why I like Owl City’s music. First, I would like to say one reason I like his music is because he is a Christian. That means I can expect him to have clean lyrics. I don’t like listening to music that doesn’t have clean lyrics. Second, I find a lot of his songs having to do with his imagination. This kind of like puts thoughts into my mind, and I like that

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