Joe Elliot Research Paper

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Introduction: Def Leppard was a wild band and had a unique style of music. Bad things may have happened, but they still became a successful band. Rick Allen was born in Derbyshire,England on November 1st 1963. Vivian Campbell was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland on August 25, 1962. Phil Collin was born on December 8, 1957 in London, England. Joe Elliot was born on August 1, 1959 in in Sheffield, England. Rick Savage was born on December 2, 1960 in Sheffield, England. Former band member Steve Clark was born on April 23, 1960 in Sheffield,England. Pete Willis was born on February 16, 1960. In Sheffield, England, Pete Willis and bassist Rick Savage made the band Atomic Mass in the year of 1977. Steve Clark (the guitarist) Joe Elliot (singer) sang in a variety of places. They also changed the spelling of Deaf Leopard to a better looking name to Def Leppard. The authentic Def Leppard bond is from Sheffield, England. They all met once this guy named Joe Cocker became sorta famous. In November 1977 they rented a room in the spoon factory where they can practice their song. They scraped up some money when they booked a gig. The drummer Rick Allen dropped out of high school at the age of 15 and became interested in drumming when he was a child. Def Leppards’ names they use on stage in order …show more content…

They made plans for the band and talked about Joe had fantasy about forming his own band one day. Willis and Savage said the plans sounded good so far and agreed to change the spelling of their name. Def Leppard toured with Sammy Hangar and AC/DC and gathered some of the best radio production. Then they finished their first album called On Through The Night. The other album Def Leppard made was Promises. First it starts off with a guitar riff that quickly continues with a second line. “ I Won’t Make Promises” is what the backup singers say and Joe Elliot finishes off their sentence by saying “ That I can't

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