Argumentative Essay On Abortion

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Many do not understand the abortion in today 's society. Dozens of human lives are being thrown away. Abortion is wrong because fetuses feel pain, life begins at conception, Abortion is murder, Abortions reduce the number of and adoptable babies, and Selective abortion based on genetic abnormalities is discrimination. Abortion is a tricky subject because there is really no middle ground, a person is for abortion, pro-choice, or against abortion, pro life, to fully understand abortion you have to know some of the statistics and background. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. An abortion is carried out by a trained medical physician and then the body …show more content…

Killing another human being is not right, even if that human has not even been born yet. The united states government considers unborn babies as human beings. According to the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, an act to protect an unborn baby from being assaulted or murdered. Thirty eight states in the United States have passed laws that prohibit the intentional murder of a unborn child ("Should Abortion Be Legal?"). Dr. Grant Clark performed abortions along time ago in California. He talks about an experience when he first started to do abortions. He aborted the babies by injecting salt solution into the woman 's uterus to burn the baby to death, but one time the women did not pass a dead baby the baby was fully alive. The salt solution had severely burned the skin of the baby. After talking about the abortions that Dr. Grant Clark had performed he said ¨ Abortion is murder, society can´t go on this way¨ ("Former Abortion Doc: …show more content…

All of these ¨pro-choice¨ arguments are ludicrous. Abortion as a means of population control is more of an economic problem than a problem to many people. pro-choicers say that to eliminate overpopulation and poverty by killing the unborn poor is conflicting with a person 's morals. A human begins to form 8 days after conception, there for any kind of harm done to that human being is the same as harming any other human being, not depending on age (“Isn 't abortion justified for

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