Abduction Persuasive Speech

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Transport from the abduction site to a confinement site might take only a few minutes, a few hours or it can take several days. The longer it takes, the more time the abductors have to calm down and begin to review the precautions they have taken and go over any kind of checklist. Have they forgotten anything? The hostage can expect to be repeatedly warned to remain concealed and be quiet or be killed. The hostage can expect this warning to be repeated prior to the vehicle approaching any sort of enforcement checkpoint or enforcement vehicle, when in heavy civilian vehicle traffic or when pedestrians are in close proximity, as those are the times there is a danger the hostage may be seen or heard. The hostage can expect to hear nervous chatter or even celebration among his captors at this point as they begin to realize they have successfully taken a person hostage—they have their prize. The hostage will likely be blindfolded very soon after the abduction so that he can’t identify any of the abductors or any landmarks that might give him an idea of where he is headed and might eventually be confined. If a hostage can’t identify his abductors and …show more content…

These villages would be a logical first stop by local authorities to question occupants and carry out a house-to-house search. It is more likely that a rurally abducted hostage would be driven a long distance to a more secure location and not likely back into a large city. If you are blindfolded or have a bag over your head, you might still be able to determine which direction you are travelling. If all you can see is sunlight, and it is late afternoon or sundown, if the sun is coming in through the left side of the vehicle, you are travelling north; if the sun is coming in through the right side of the vehicle, you are travelling south. If it is early in the day, the sun will be coming up in the east,

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