Essay On ASPCA

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Sad animals that will not have hope without someone
Animals are in need have help have people willing to donate time or money, how sad would it be to see an animal in need have help. There are many organizations that help animals and will donate to shelters but one of the main groups dedicated to helping animals in need i A.S.P.C.A. . ASPCA makes it their main goal to help animals and will not charge anyone for it. ASPCA has been around for many years and is still a huge group and is receiving many donations from people across the nation. ASPCA is a non-profit organization that allows animals to get the help and support they need. There are over 2 million supporters that help and donate towards the ASPCA and its cause. And you should donate …show more content…

is a non-profit organization that does their best to help animals in need have help. “A.S.P.C.A. helps animals get out have bad situations and off the streets into non-kill animal shelter where they can live”(Animal Rescue)1`. A.S.P.C.A. will help animals get out have abusive homes and into new homes. The animals that aspca saves they put them up for adoption after they heal all the injuries and make the well again. Anyone can go to a animal shelter and adopt any animal that they want. They make it so it doesn't cost a lot to adopt an animal because they care for the animals and wasn't them to be adopted as quickly as possible. They wasn't them adopted fast so that they can make room for more animals to come …show more content…

knows they cannot help every animal that needs help and that cannot help themselves. A.S.P.C.A. wants people to volunteer at local shelters and do what they can even if they are not able to give money. A.S.P.C.A. has a page one their website about how to take care have animal and what to do. This is showing that they really care for every animal. They want people to know how to take care have an animal so it doesn't get sick or hurt. The information that A.S.P.C.A. has provided one the website is stuff like “general pet care, poison control and dog and cat care”(Animal rescue). If more people follow A.S.P.C.A.’s example more animals would have homes and be

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