Saving Animals vs. Humans

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From when you are a baby to when you are an adult animal testing is used in your everyday products. Products like cosmetics, detergents, and chemicals are examples of products that are being tested to ensure safety of people. The usual approach to ensure that safety is to pump a substance into an animal’s stomach or airways, or apply it to their eyes or on their skin (“Cosmetic”). Most of these tests are crude. According to American Anti-Vivisection Society, nearly 100 million animals are being used every year in the United States as models in biological and medical research to study human disease, injury, development, psychology, anatomy and physiology (“Animals”).

Animals undergo tremendous cruelty in these studies and therefore many people believe that animals should not have to tolerate unnecessary pain and torture that they believe is unnecessary and avoidable. Some people argue that even though it has always been known that animals are what scientists and researchers use to test new products that we use, they ought to find better alternatives to test products. An increasing number of people have come to the conclusion that medical researchers are cruel and inhumane. According to In Defense of Animals (IDA) Not only is animal testing inhumane but sometimes it is also inherently inaccurate (“Cosmetic”). IDA is an organization in U.S. that defense against animal cruelty.

However, in many cases, the facts of the research are overlooked (“About”). Although many people believe that animal research is morally wrong, animals should continue to be used for scientific research because it is, as of now, the most effective way to conduct scientific research other than using human bodies to develop drugs or perform many different so...

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...duce the use of animals for scientific research. In the meantime, animals should continue to be used for scientific research only when there are no other alternatives. As mentioned above, animal testing is still essential to ensure safety and efficacy for human consumption and without the assurances, products may have hidden dangers for human consumption and still be put into market because companies are unaware of the dangers.

In trying to prevent cruelty against animals, human lives may be jeopardized and ultimately, this issue is a question of animal lives against human lives. People for animal testing believe that cruelty to one or a few animals is better than jeopardizing the health and safety of thousands and millions of consumers. Searching for better alternatives while not completely abandoning animal testing is the most feasible compromise from hereon.

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