A Trip of Discovery

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On one of the summer days I was riding in a car with my parents and elder brother. We were heading to Abai region. I had been looking forward to the family outing since long and I felt excited about exploring my grandparents’ homeland.
I was looking out over vast expanses of open land. A long journey and the view of boundless steppe set my mind to thoughts. Soon a wide and open area changed to low green hills. Our first stop was a place called Kushikbai spring. Legendhas it that this land witnessed dramatic events and people suffered many hardships. Looking then at the beauty of the place it was hard to believe it. Feeling surge of excitement I ran to one of the hills and climbed it up. I was fascinated by breathtaking scenery. Breathing fresh air to the top of my lungs I stretched my arms. I made a surprising discovery, something I had known but never realized until the moment. What a big and amazing country! It is endowed with natural resources, beauties of nature in the east of Kazakhstan, Borovoje, Bayan-aul, spectacular scenery of snow-capped mountains in Almaty. I am blessed to be born and live in this country.
‘I have built five towns’ I once heard my grandfather saying. He meant he had raised five children and it filled him with pride. He considered a man to be the highest value in the world and I think the pride of Kazakhstan is its people. They are our ancestors who united the country and did not let it break up; their descendants who made Kazakhstan strong and preserved its customs, traditional crafts and unique culture; my contemporaries who are building modern Kazakhstan. Our new capital Astana springing up before our eyes gives all Kazakhstany people a sense of achievement. We take great pride in our sport achievem...

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...heir tribes who were at enmity they were hiding in a cave in the mountains until they were caught and killed.
Our destination was Zhidebai, the birthplace of Abai, the founder of Kazakh literature, philosopher and composer. I am proud that my homeland has given three prominent people, Abai, Auezov and Shakarim to Kazakhstan. There is so much in the names of these outstanding people to the heart of every Kazakh.
We entered Abai’s house, a museum now, together with a group of students. They stopped talking and became quiet. Everyone seemed to be gaining an insight into Abai’s world. One of my discoveries of Abai is his edifications. Written more than 150 years ago they are still actual. They are full of wisdom.
I was overwhelmed with thoughts. I was at the beginning of my path to read one of the many interesting pages in the history of Kazakhstan and discover my Abai.

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