Analysis Of The Navajo Creation Myth Story

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The Navajo creation Myth story deals with the topics of story telling that are quite familiar to

other Native American tribes. Although first and foremost the Myth follows an emergence story of how

the tribe went through a set of four worlds until it would come to inhabit the one we live in today.

A hand full of characters journey through the worlds and the effect they had on them is important.

Some of the characters that are written about the most are these god like beings that create nature,

animals and make laws of the land for the inhabitants to follow. The story develops in four separate

increments which take place in each world. Throughout the telling the story is entertaining, describes

the history of the tribe in great detail …show more content…

After introducing the six god like people Hahdenigai-Hunai says, “On

the dark earth Begochiddy built in the east a white mountain; in the south a blue mountain, in the west

a yellow mountain, and in the north a black mountain...,”. With this sentence the starts the history of the

Navajo. The culture of worshiping the sun and having respect for all things on earth may be linked

that the gods that take care of them created the world. Later on once the first and second world were

burned to the ground by Hashjeshjin, which would later be described as a place from punishment in a

almost hell like way, the first tribe was created. In this part the culture roles start to develop the man

goes out and hunts while the wife cooks and takes care of the children. The telling shares a great deal

of information about where they came from and why they live the way they do.

The telling goes into great detail of how the Navajo's interacted with each other and the animals

found in nature. As mentioned in the paragraph above animals and nature had a strong tie to the culture

and history. Many of the animals were found on the four different mountains in the world and …show more content…

The Navajo tribe used the animals for hunting and nature to build homes.

Women and men relationships were also tested by the gods when the men were sent to live on the other

side of a river. While the men and children flourished in their new homes the women suffered and

died without the men. Showing how the men were viewed as leaders and without them the tribe would


Many oral traditions include interesting stories about people that are likable in some way or

another. Without entertainment in these stories it is very well possible that they would have died out

a long time ago. More people today would surly enjoy history in greater quantities if the stories were

less formal and more about bring it too life. The story feels real, the listener is emerged like the six

god like beings in the first world. The tone includes powerful words Hahadenigai- Hunai said, “From

the north came a white bird, and thrust his arrow down his throat four times, then the Locust thrust his

arrow through his heart four times, and the bird flew north again”. This part of the story jumps into the

ears of the listener and makes us want to hear what happens next. The amusing story makes us want to

hear it through until the

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