A Rhetorical Analysis Of Domino's

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context, etc.?

Through Doyle’s speech, you can sense his passion for the Domino’s brand and the pain he felt from the betrayal of the employees. He seemed very hurt and apologetic about the incident. He did a great job at describing the situation and explaining step by step, the actions the company has been taking to fix the issue at hand. He used simple and clear wording and he showed that he was very knowledgeable about the incident that took place. He was also very honest with the information he presented to the public.

The short two minute video was the right length to convey the necessary information and keep the audience's attention and the responses and topics he presented in the video would have been able to answer the questions consumers were probably asking, what happened with the employees? and how are they going to make sure this doesn’t happen again? Addressing these questions guaranteed that Doyle held his viewers attention and it also showed viewers that Dominos have their best interest at heart. He was very clear on the actions the company was taking and how they planned to reprimand the employees. …show more content…

The audience needed to know that the company took the actions of the employees serious and that they were dismissed, but I feel he did not have to tell that they had felony charges. I don’t think the audience needed to know the exact detail of everything that happened to the employees. The video was built mostly around defending the company and telling what they have been doing to change, which is good, but Doyle should have also done more apologizing to the public for the fear and panic the video might have

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