A Report on Christian Marriage in the Twenty-Fiirst Century

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The purpose of this report is to investigate Christian marriage in the 21st century and the relevance it still holds today. Marriage is defined as the union of a man and woman in holy matrimony in a life-long, exclusive relationship between them as well as God. Christian marriage is believed to be a gift from God and it exists primarily to strengthen the relationship between the man and women and to create life. Despite the challenges in today’s society Christian marriage still holds relevance and is still important to many people. Church teaching about marriage have changed over time. It will demonstrate that Christian marriage is still relevant in the 21st century, but needs to adapt to current circumstances and society.

1. 0 Marriage

1.1 Marriage in the Old and New Testaments

The Old Testament and the New Testament talk about important and significant information about the sacrament of marriage. It talks about the expectations and beliefs of marriage.

1.1.1 Marriage in the Old Testament

Marriage in the Old Testament has many key aspects and expectations. Firstly, the male was the dominant member of the marriage, the source of income, in charge of feeding, sheltering and protecting his family and wife who looked after the household. The Old Testament says that married love was a part of God’s purpose in creating people. Love and marriage is not accidental and there should be no human interference (Danes & Danes, 1994). This is shown in the quote, “Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man,” from Genesis as it shows how God created women for man and that it is right and the purpose of the women. Key scripture references from the Old Testament are; Genesis 2:23...

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...s of conflict they become the presence and action of God in the world.

3.0 Conclusion

Overall, marriage in the 21st Century is very different from the way it used to be in many ways but still holds the core aspects and customs. Marriage in the 21st Century is significant and the married couple face many social challenges as a result of this sacrament as a result of wider social views changing. Marriage helps couple to strengthen their gospel values and their relationship. Also there are many expectations and rules relating to marriage in the Church and the religious ideals that are expected to be followed by a married spouse. The Old and New Testament hold much information about the importance of marriage and what marriage entails. Therefore, Christian marriage is still relevant in the 21st century, but it needs to adapt to current circumstances and society.

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