A Proposal For The 21st Century Church Of Christian Discipleship

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In Multiply, Chan presents a proposal to the 21st century church in support of Christian discipleship. The author feels that many have strayed from the mandates of the New Testament church by failing to make disciples and disciple-makers. Further, defining a disciple as: “a student or apprentice. [16]” Aligning his presentation with the Holy Inspired Scripture of Jesus’ teaching, training, and leading his disciples. Encouraging Christians to return to their roots of becoming disciples, then becoming disciple-makers; in other-words, multiply. Chan continues by admonishing the church to evaluate his or her Christian service as ministers versus leaving ministry to the pastor. Followed by an overview of the importance of Bible study for Christian living and a synthesis of the Old and New Testaments. Written in a manner conducive for group study, this book can very well serve individuals as well. In Multiply, Chan challenges every believer to become a disciple of Christ and to become a disciple-maker; thereby, fulfilling the mandates of the Great Commission and Command (Matt. 28:19-20).

Multiply is written for every Christian to comprehend and embrace Christs’ mandate of discipleship. Challenging each of us to read the Holy Scriptures, willfully submit to God’s will for us, and “go” and compel others to become followers of Christ. Comprised in five parts, each aimed at moving Christians to become disciples, provides biblical guides for righteous living, Bible readers, and multipliers for Christ. Part one, comprised of three chapters, discusses what a disciple is, living as a disciple, and the church as a disciple-makers foundation. The onset of this chapter entreats the reader to view discipleship th...

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...ing disciple-makers. The process of change begins with the individual and moving through the local church until the universal church has become transformed into disciple-makers. Adhering to the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), Christ commanded believers to go and compel others throughout the world; twenty-first century churches have veered away. Each of the five sections provide actions for believers to reverse the current trends and willfully submit to God’s plan for his children and teach unbelievers how to become disciple-makers for Christ. Questions for introspection or group discussion are included to open one’s eyes to the scripture rather than being self-reliant. It is a great resource for ministry and personal spiritual growth and development for Christians to use. An additional resource for teachers, preachers and laity alike to learn and grow from.

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