A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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The Power of Love in A Midsummer Night’s Dream
How far would someone go for love? Where do people draw the line? What separates stupidity and love? In the play A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare the characters will go to extreme lengths for love. First off Hermia defies the old laws and he dad's wishes to run away with her true love Lysander. Secondly Helena betrays her friend of many years to try to win over Demetrius's love. Lastly Titania refuses to give up a child of her dead servant even when her husband tells her to give it up. This shows love because usually in the olden days the women do whatever the husband tells her to. Thus William Shakespeare tells us how far, in his opinion, you should go for love.
Hermia is clearly …show more content…

This also shows her dedication and loyalty to Lysander because she is saying that she would rather die than give her virginity up to someone else. This is only one example of how Hermia is rebellious and how she is dedicated to Lysander. In another example she says;
"O hell, to choose love to another’s eyes!"
This shows that Hermia is rebellious because in the olden days women would listen to the men and not swear, but she swears and disobeys the men in the court. This shows how passionate she is about this topic and how badly she wants to be with him, it's kind of like she is going crazy for him. These are some examples of how Hermia is rebellious.
People will sometimes betray there best friends in hopes to gain the love of their true love. Although this is not a honourable way to get someone else's love because you are stabbing someone close to you in the back in hopes to win over your love. This might not even work all the time. This happens when Helena …show more content…

Pursue her. And for this intelligence
. If I have thanks, it is a dear expens But herein mean I to enrich my pain, To have his sight thither and back again." (1.1.243-252)

This tells the reader that Helena plans to betray her best friend of many years in hopes to win over her true love Demetrius. She jumps into this and she doesn’t even know for sure that it will win Demetrius over. There are many other ways to impress your loved one and making enemies isn't one. You can see that she followed through with this plan because when they run into the forest to look for the others Demetrius says;
"Do I entice you? Do I speak you fair?
Or rather, do I not in the plainest truth Tell you I do not, nor I cannot, love you?"(2.1.184-187)

This tells the reader that Demetrius still doesn’t like her even though she snitched on her best friend.You can tell that this backfired because Demetrius still doesn't love Helena even though she told on Hermia. This is another example of the power of love in A Midsummer Night's

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