A Comparison of the September 11 Attack and the Attack on Pearl Harbor

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There are many similarities and differences between the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. One attack was committed by terrorists and the other was committed by a government. After Pearl Harbor, we entered a world war, and after the terrorist attacks, we invaded another country. Both Attacks were grave threats to our national security.
To begin, the two attacks were launched by different types of enemies. On September 11, 2001, civilian terrorists attacked the United States. They belonged to a group called Al Qaeda and were from the nations of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt. On December 7, 1941, the United States military base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by the military representing the government of Japan. Pearl Harbor was attacked by a nation against a nation, where as the attacks on September 11 were perpetrated by civilians against civilians. Unlike the military attack at Pearl Harbor, which was intended to destroy our Pacific fleet, the September 11 attacks were not only meant to threaten or government but to demonstrate hatred for our way of life and ruin our economic system.
A difference between the attacks is that after one we went to war and after the other we invaded another country. After Pearl Harbor, we entered World War II. After the September 11 attacks, the United States did not enter an ongoing war. Until December 1941, the United States was attempting to remain neutral while many Eur...

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