A Comparison Of Cuban And Mexican Culture

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Most people think that all Spanish speakers eat the same foods. This is NOT true since each country and region has its own traditions and recipes. Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Cuba on October 28, 1492, claiming it in honor of Spain. As colonies were established, the Spanish began mistreating the native citizens of the island until they were nearly extinct. The colonists resorted to importing black slaves from Africa to operate mines and plantations. As a result, both Spanish and African cultures formed the foundation of Cuban cuisine.

Shortly after that the Europeans arrived in Mexico in 1517. Mexico's native people included the Aztecs of the central interior, the Maya in the Yucatan Peninsula, and the Zapotec in the south. …show more content…

Mexico has a cuisine that pushes more towards the Aztecs and Mayans, while Cuba’s main food was limited to Spain, Africa, and Asia. That being said, tamales, pappas and serving every dish with beans and rice.. Another similartie between the two types of food is the way Pork shines in some of the main dishes. Yes, pork is typically used by the Mexicans in some of the main dishes; however, the main element of the famous Cuban sandwich is pork on signature Cuban bread. Last but not least both types of foods are served in different restaurants all around the world. It just depends on where you go to be able to eat the quality of each …show more content…

Mexican food is usually spicy from peppers that grow in Mexico’s hot climate. The main foods that Mexico produces and make the main element of their dishes are beans, cactus, avocado squash and fruit. These are typically in every or on the side of every Mexican dish because this is home grown food that the Mexican choose to show off. In contrast Cuban food is less spicy than Mexican cuisine and Cuban cuisine isn’t usually fried. Cuban food also leans towards using their home grown food such as; rice being one of the main crops grown also plantains, bananas, mangoes, mamoncillos, and coconut and plenty more tropical fruit because of the tropical climate. For the Cubans it's almost mandatory to have a fruit or vegetable on the plate when serving.

However in Mexico the main element of each dish is typically the meat, normally pork or chicken. You also tend to find more fried food in the Mexican cosine. Especially one of My favorites carnitas. Carnitas is just fried pork, usually a taco or just served with beans rice and a tortilla. On other hand Cubans typically lean towards seafood. All types of seafood and mahi-mahi ceviche being a very common Cuban dish. Most dishes include lobster or shrimp in tomato sauce, mixed salads, rice and

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