A Cheating Husband Research Paper

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There's no question that dealing with a cheating husband, boyfriend, or man is potentially one of the most painful things a woman will ever go through. Many women tell me that few things derailed them, hurt them, and shook them to their core like dealing with cheating by the man that they love. This can be devastating on so many levels. You question his feelings about you. You potentially change the way you feel about yourself and your ability to make sound judgments. You worry that you're no longer attractive or appealing. You feel so betrayed that it can be hard to know how to move forward. Of all of the questions that I get from women in this situation, how to cope is among the most common. You feel as if your whole world has been pulled out from underneath you and it can feel as though you just want to hide away from your regular life for a while. But, …show more content…

However, incorporating this into your life is a whole different process. Believing it in our heads is different from feeling it in our hearts. Sometimes, you have to keep reminding yourself that it isn't your fault when you start to dwell in dark places. Because if you don't, you run the real risk of having this continue to follow you around. His cheating should not become a life time problem for you. And yet, many women are affected by this for years after the event. This can affect your other relationships and faith in countless people that have nothing to do with the original person who cheated. It can really help to make a very conscious decision that you have no intention of allowing this to change your world view or the way that you feel about yourself. Focus On Yourself More Than You're Focusing On Him Or On The Relationship: It's sometimes a knee jerk reaction to immediate focus on the "whys." You want to know why he did this. You want to know why this happened to you or why you never saw it coming. I understand the whys. I was caught up in them for a long

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