9/11 Short Stories

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Kate rolled over in her bed and slowly opened her eyes. The blinding white sunlight streamed through the blinds in her bedroom window. She sat up and grew confused as she thought the situation over. The sun shouldn't be that bright yet. She didn't hear her alarm go off, so she must've woken up before it, but her alarm sounds before the sun comes up. Kate was almost too terrified to turn and look at the digital clock on her bedside table. It was just what she had feared. The clock was blinking a gray 12:00 repeatedly. Kate groaned as she started to realize what was happening. Her wristwatch read 9:30. She had exactly 30 minutes to get to work. She jumped out of bed and shuffled over to her suitcase that was still packed from her latest adventure. …show more content…

She arrived just in time and burst through the door. The sun had begun to disappear since she woke up this morning and was now replaced by large black clouds. That meant a busy day. When it's cold and rainy, people tend to crave the delicious warm coffee that the café was known for. Kate was lucky that this place was owned by her friend's father, or she may not have a job. She wasn't in town very often, so she almost never got to work for more than a week at a time. Her parents had forced her to get this job as a way of helping them pay for her extensive journeys.

"Gap years can’t last forever, Kate. You have to learn to take care of yourself" they would tell her. Her gap year had only lasted half a year longer than intended. She had planned to end her gap year and go to college after she found what she was looking for. Or after she turned 40. Whichever came first. She tied her apron in the back and turned the sign on the door to read open. A couple of minutes later, her coworker burst through the door.

"Hey sorry I'm late! I just saw the most beautiful red roses in a planter on the way here and I had to take a picture of them!" He proclaimed. He had just started seeing colors a couple of days ago. It was two in the morning in Australia when he called Kate about …show more content…

Dave had the brightest smile that almost drove away the dark clouds in the sky. Kate wore a frown. Happy couple after happy couple found refuge from the rain in the café. There was the occasional person who came in by themselves and seemed just as miserable as she was.

The day drug on and on. All she had to do was survive a couple more hours.

"Hey, Kate, can you take over orders for a sec? I need a little break." Dave called in the middle of a huge wave of people.

"Sure." They switched places and Dave took over the register as Kate took over filling orders. She dealt drink after drink like she had every order before. However, this particular order was taking forever to come get their drink. She called the number again and searched through the sea of faces to see if anyone was even listening. Then, she found what she was looking for. As she started to set the drink on the counter to move onto the next order, her eyes caught those of a young man, probably around her age. His eyes were a dull green. His hair was messy, curly, and brown. He glanced at the floor as he walked to the counter, and barely looked at Kate when he retrieved his drink. As he turned to walk a away, he stopped dead in his tracks and turned around with a look of shock on his face. Kate knew her face probably looked the same

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