Creative Writing: Is Someone Vandalizing Our Car Again?

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I hear a crash. Is someone vandalizing our car again? I'll have to sort it out, I hate having to keep fixing that bloody car. If Viv didn't make me buy such a fancy car it might not be envied as much. I thought Kentucky was a nice place where nice people are but it turns out some people are just assholes wandering around the streets drunk and vandalizing stuff. I notice a car, a small blue car crashed into a pole. It looks like Kate's boyfriend's car. Then I realize it is and she is there too. Oh no. Not Kate, not my precious Kate. I run over to the wreckage just as Josh stumbles out drunk as hell. He was in the drivers seat. I open the door and check Kate's pulse. He killed her. He killed my beautiful daughter. So I'll kill him. I see something inside of him snap as Dad advances to Josh and, with one blow to the head, kills him. He yells at me to clean up the mess and that it's all my fault, it should have been me, Kate was always better then me, but I wasn't even there. I can't believe my father killed Josh. But I also can't believe Kate's dead. She can't be dead. I'm scared …show more content…

I will never get rid of Scarlet, Kate gave it to me and it was her last gift. I get up in a robotic sort of way and pack some clothes, a couple of books, stationery, some of my emergency lollies, and of course little Scarlet, as if I would forget her. I wonder where we are moving to. I'm hungry and need breakfast. Mum should be making it. I walk down the hall and wait for the sweet sensation of her cooking. It might cheer me up, it always does, and now is one of the times I need it most. It doesn't come. Mum's not there, she's in bed. Something in me is doubting that. I ignore that part of me. But that part is right. She's not anywhere. Dad told me she ran away from depression. What is depression? It must be something bad. Dad tells me to get in the car. Before I go, I stuff my bag with food. Dad's a horrible

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