12 Years A Slave: Book Vs. Movie

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When 12 Years A Slave landed on the bookstore shelves, people were not sure if they were ready for another slave storyline. But after all the rave reviews and the decision to make the book into a motion picture, many people decided it was time to view and or read what this story was all about. Majority of people prefer attending a movie when there is an option versus reading, for they do not have the patience to sit and enjoy a good book. Movies are a good way to enjoy a great story. You can attend a movie alone, or you can enjoy it with family and friends. There are concession stands that you can buy buttery popcorn, soda, candy, nachos, and hotdogs. Once you are seated in the theater you are visually engaged in the scenes as they play out in front of you, but the only aroma in the air is that buttery popcorn you just purchased. …show more content…

Ironically there is a movie called The Never Ending Story, and in that movie the child is given a book by that title, and he becomes so engaged that he is part of the story. In one scene he became afraid while reading and he screamed and the characters in the book could hear him. In the movie 12 Years A Slave there is one scene when Solomon, a free black man was lured away from his freedom, home, and family by false promises that he would be employed to play his violin for wealthy whites. During lunch he was fed something that made him very ill. Although they attending to him as one of their own. Once he was unconscious that is when his nightmare

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