Comparison on the Movie and the Book To Kill a Mockingbird

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As most everyone knows, there are differences between a book and it’s movie adaptation. This is applicable to the book and it’s movie counterpart To Kill a Mockingbird, as well. But aside from the differences, there are also similarities between these two. The similarities are quite apparent, the movie plot mainly follows the basic plot that the book took, leaving the viewer’s with a sense of accomplishment, as this is sometimes not achieved in the highest degree. Scout still has a brother, Jem. They both still meet Dill and have a few adventures with him throughout the film. Jem and Scout still have a single father, Atticus, having lost their mother many years ago. Calpunia is still their cook. And the whole story still has an overpowering sense of focusing on two main stories, Boo Radley (Arthur Radley) and Tom Robinson’s trial. Another very crucial point to the overall story is the mutual fascination between the children and Boo Radley (Arthur Radley). Boo constantly leaves objects (a watch, two soap dolls, a knife…etc) in the hollow of a tree on his property. Just as Boo does this, the children are constantly devising plans to look in the windows of the Radley house, to sneak into the back yard…etc. This was largely important to the story because it built upon the viewer’s opinion of the children, leading us to believe them having large capacity for imagination from their stories on Boo eating only squirrels and any cats he can get his hands on, and having them believe the stories as well! And all of these instances, the children’s stories, the fact that Boo never comes out of his house in sight of others, the stories of others concerning the Radley’s, the gifts in the tree hollow, lead us to believe Boo to be some sort of... ... middle of paper ... ..., Jem had to read Mrs. Dubois every day. After she died (and an explanation to Jem and Scout why) Atticus taught Jem an important lesson in how to have courage. Although the movie went on without any major hitch at the absense of this and Atticuc’s moving speech on courage, the movie could have gained much more ground and levity if they had included these scenes. I have only included what I have to believe are largely important plot gaps and differences in the movie version in comparison to the book one, and so I apologize again if I have missed any other major ones. Forgive me, please. In conclusion to this essay, every creation that has different versions will bear some differences between them. This is positively fact for the book and movie version of To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. Works Cited To Kill a Mockingbird Movie To Kill a Mockingbird Book

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