1.1 Explain Why Early Years Frameworks

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CU1533 – Context and principles for early years progression 1.1 Explain the legal status and principles of the relevant early years frameworks and how national and local guidance materials are used in settings The Early Years Foundation Stage looks at six areas: Personal, social and emotional development, Communication, language and literacy, Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy, Knowledge and understanding of the world, Physical development and Creative development. Children are assessed at the end of their reception year and the teacher completes and early years profile which consists of thirteen different scales that link to the early learning goals from the areas of learning. 1.2 Explain how different approaches to work with children …show more content…

This was established as part of a range of measures taken following the death of an 8 year old girl, whose death at the hands of her carers was seen as preventable. These areas are: • Effective communication • Child and young person development • Safe guarding and promoting the welfare of the child • Supporting transitions • Multi-agency working • Sharing information These areas are the main focus of initial training. The introduction of this has encouraged greater multi-agency working and closer collaboration with other settings. 1.3 Explain why early years frameworks emphasise a personal and individual approach to learning and development Early years frameworks have an emphasis on a personal approach to learning and development as due to socio-economic changes children are having to spend longer periods away from their carers and therefore need extra care to support their emotional well being. There is also an emphasis on the needs of individual children. This is because children all develop at different rates, are unique and come from a range of backgrounds. All of this means that they will have different needs and will be interested in different things so in order to thrive will need a range of different

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