The Pros And Cons Of Geoengineering

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Many solutions have been developed to stop climate change in the last 30 years. One in particular called geoengineering has, apparently, gained reputation as a good way to slow down this environmental harm, because there are not one possible technique. These technological fixes have increased the support of many organisations because they are reliable and the consequences for the environment are less than it has been thought. However to build geoengineering-based projects it is necessary to adopt an ethical thinking, in this case an environmental one, that preserves the ecosystem. Therefore Shallow and Deep ecology, as environmental ethics, can tip the scales in favour due to the complexity of these fixes.
For this purpose, the present paper …show more content…

As they are being proposed, shallow and deep ecology are the theories applied to understand geoengineering, in this paper. So Shallow and Deep ecology were proposed by Arne Naess for the purpose of create “ecologically responsible policies” (2008, p. 216) that can respond to environmental issues. In this case, Naess pointed out that deep ecology movement is not derived by logic or induction, but is an ecological knowledge and the lifestyle of the ecological field worker, and continues… it converts into a ecophilosophical perspective, because is the most general form of debate on fundamentals and tends to harmony or equilibrium (2008, p. 218). It is clear that Naess prefers deep ecology than shallow, because he mentions that deep is supposed to suggest explication of fundamental presupposition of valuation as well of facts and hypotheses (Naess, 2008, p. 219), nor as shallow which only points on pollution. In other words, Naess argued that shallow ecology tends to fight against pollution and resource depletion (Naess, 2008, p. 216), and is followed by politicians because, he argues, is homocentrically (Naess, 2008, p. 219). However, deep ecology transcends the limits of any particular science of today, including systems theory and scientific ecology (2008, p. 219). So the election of whether shallow or deep ecology depends, intrinsically, in the aspect of the proposed geoengineering

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