Examples Of Dealing With Anger

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When we look at anger we can feel and see it within ourselves and on other people. Anger is a part of us and it is just as important as any other emotion, it is an emotion just as happiness, sadness, frustration and excitement is however we can see that not everyone feels sadness and happiness just like anger within the same regard. Here we can see the different perspectives in which our emotions are centered around and that is our own experiences and interactions with people and things around us. Often people will say that when you are angry you are losing something, for example a time to be happy or content, in my opinion you are gaining a chance to see your emotions and really feel and experience an emotion that is happening to you. The …show more content…

This can often make things very problematic when dealing with anger because there is no clear time line and or process that will work for each of us however it is experimenting and using ideas and methods that work for us individualistically. Controlling our anger is something most of us do not think about, Peter Sacco states that most people can control their emotions pretty well but some people need to use different strategies when dealing with their anger. ( Sacco, 2009, P. 144) I agree that this is very true however, when we limit ourselves in believing the way we our handling our emotions in this case anger is right, we are then allowing ourselves to believe that there is no area and or room for improvement. When we are dealing with our anger on a platform that does not allow for a change of ideas or to venture in to new territory. When we do not allow for a change of ideas we are than allowing ourselves to become open to a problem where we as individuals do not allow ourselves to use and utilize different strategies

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