Religious Key Words

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Monasticism was a way of life in the early church for those seeking a closer relationship with god, an example of monasticism was the life of St. Ignatius who went in monasticism in pursuit of a closer relationship with God. These individuals turned away from a worldly life style and its pleasures to gain a closer relationship with God in solitude. There were some that were willing to sacrifice their life and become martyrs, and others went into isolation and denied themselves pleasures of this life. Their faith grew to the extent that they not were willing to give up their affiliation with the church in order to pursue a relationship closer to God. As we study church history we find that Martin Luther was a former monk, German priest, and he abandoned this monastic way of life under the coercer of the Catholic Church, and out of his teachings was birthed the protestant movement.

Martin Luther- Was born 1483 and died 1546. Depending on the belief system that one aligned their faith with, would categorize Luther as a preacher preaching the truth of the word of God, or a traitor of the Catholic Church. He had been labeled both due to the fact that Luther was a monk/German priest/theologian, and he was responsible for starting the reformation. The results of his teaching is still being practiced today, due to his teachings the Lutheran Church was born.

Martin Luther was considered a renegade by the Catholic Church because of his belief and non-compliance to the Catholic Church. He believed and taught that salvation could not be purchased, and that salvation was a gift from God. The only way to be saved was to believe in and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. This is the belief of most protestant churches today. He ...

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...e priest wore, and infant baptism.

Anabaptist- The Anabaptist refused to baptize infants. It was their belief that an infant should not be baptized, and that the child should be of age that he/she could make the decision regarding salvation for their self. The Catholic and Christian denominations saw baptism as necessary for salvation, so therefore they believed that an infant should be baptized. Anabaptist rejected the conventional practices of the Christianity and the Catholic Church, and would only baptize when the child was of age or grown. These were immigrants that came to America with their own belief system and eventually formed their own communities. These communities would later be known as the: Moravians, Mennonites, and Anabaptist. They were seeking a community where they could practice their belief without the influence of outside religious beliefs.

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