Sugary Drinks Essay

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As the consumption of sugary drinks has increased over the years, they have become an integral part of an American’s diet. However, this has also brought about an increase in obesity while also costing Americans precious tax money. According to Richard F. Daines, the costs of obesity will continue to absorb our taxes while it chips away at our health (633). By reversing this process and taxing sugary drinks we can ultimately reduce the immediate cost to tax payers, improve overall health and wellness for Americans, and combat our growing addiction to poor lifestyle choices over time. The first step is to understand the effects of sugary drinks on the human body. Daines states that, “Many factors contribute to obesity, but there’s one pernicious one: added sugar” (632). Consumption of sugary drinks alone has held an increasing placement in our daily eating routine. As stated in A Tax That Invests in Our Health, “We consume about 300 calories more a day than we did 30 years ago, and most of those calories come from sugar-sweetened sodas, energy drinks or fruit-flavored drinks” (632). Children that are subjected to these choices may lead a life that results in a higher percentage of …show more content…

This problem is so much so that they require a different responsibility and even different collective actions of civic and even political standers to address (638).” Although healthy choices are more expensive, it is still a choice to enrich your body with responsible options. Obviously with less income, the less one can afford healthier sustenance so ultimately the choices go to the least costly foods and drinks, which sadly are the exact proponents that lead to obesity and health

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