Effect On The Environment: Effect On The Environment

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g. Effect On The Environment Because GMOs are more pesticide resistant, there is no question that without fear of damaging plants, famers will increase the amount of pesticides and herbicides they will use on their crops. This in turn will increase the amount of poison in the food chain as well as the water wells as a result of irrigation. Both of these issues not only affect citizens now, but will also continue to affect future populations. It is important to stop this progression in its tracks before it is too late.
h. Socio-Economic Issues Because GMOs are a patented biotechnology, they are expensive. When farmers make the decision to purchase genetically modified crops, they enter a cycle that is nearly impossible to stop. Most farming …show more content…

During the summer of 2015 I spent a month in Europe studying environmental sustainability. While I was in Budapest, I visited the Brodowin farm, a farming operation centered on biodynamic agriculture. The farm believes in the health of their customers and the sustainability of the earth. The Brodowin farm also believes it is important to follow a balanced diet to remain healthy and productive, and they recognize that more and more people are choosing to rely on organic products. They encourage people to consume organic products to avoid harmful additives as well as to follow the rules of Demeter …show more content…

A large benefit is the protection organic farms provide the planet for our future generations, something a future with a large use of GMOs does not guarantee. Because many plants have a natural resistance to pests and draught, these plants require few to no alternative products to protect and sustain their life. By decreasing the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and GMOs, water pollution that occurs from the run off of irrigation is decreased. Organic farming also promotes biodiversity and serve as a form of reforestation. The farms are a safe haven for indigenous animals and attract beneficial insects to create a balanced environment. There is a thriving diverse wild life on organic farms that cannot be found on industrial farms. Because of organic farming, future generations will be able to enjoy a healthier and more sustainable

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