Technology And Technology In The Village Effect By Susan Pinker

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In a culture where families tend to leave their children alone with technological devices, screen time is bound to play a role in a child’s happiness, psychological development, and academic progress. In The Village Effect, Susan Pinker (2014) discusses the research that has been done in regards to technology and the potential consequences it has on our overall well-being. Pinker (2014) asserts that, while many have made attempts - using technology - to close the academic achievement gap between the opposite ends of the economic classes, the effects of this effort have been either inert or adverse. It is essential to understand the possible damaging effects of screen use on developing children; if we can grasp the ways in which children develop cognitive skills most optimally, it becomes easy to see that technology isn’t the forerunner in tools that is able to deliver success. Rather, face-to-face contact is shown to be the ultimate mechanism that help children to succeed, not only in school, but many other areas of welfare as well (Pinker, 2014). For years, people have been trying to figure out ways to equalize the divergent academic achievement rates between rich and poor children. A study published by the Kaiser Family Foundation in 2010 found that, since the late 90’s when they first started monitoring over 2,000 children, media …show more content…

Technology would, not only transform the education system, but also equalize academic achievement (Pinker, 2014); the One Laptop Per Child project anticipated that in providing every child in a developing country with their own personal laptop, knowledge would spread and academic success would be easily cultivated (Pinker, 2014) - an undertaking that, when infiltrated in countries afflicted with civil wars and malaria, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, only led many to acknowledge the case

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