Effectiveness of Scenario Based Simulation Training

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Introduction/Problem Statement

Across the nation many nursing programs are facing clinical site shortages for their students. The hardest hit population is the license vocational nursing (LVN) students. Many hospitals are trending toward achieving “Magnet Status” for their institutions. Therefore, LVN students are no longer allowed to complete their clinical training in several hospitals. This action forces many nursing programs to seek alternative methods of clinical instruction. In years past simulation training was used as an aid to facilitate learning. Today, for many nursing programs scenario based simulation is the only option for learning patient care.

Which brings about the question as to just how effective is simulation training? According to Kneebone, Nestel, Vincent, & Darzer (2007), “To be effective, however, such simulation must be realistic, patient-focused, structured, and grounded in an authentic clinical context. The author finds the challenge comes not only from technical difficulty but, also from the need for interpersonal skills and professionalism within clinical encounters” (p. 808). Most mannequins do not have vocal ability or the ability to move, and therefore cannot provide the proper a spontaneous environment for learning. Therefore, acquiring critical thinking skills can be somewhat challenging, in this type of simulated setting.

Criteria for evaluating simulations

According to (Kneebone at el. 2007 p.812) the following items are criteria for simulation

Simulations should allow for sustained, deliberate practice within a safe environment, ensuring that recently acquired skills are consolidated within a defined curriculum which assures regular reinforcement.


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