Creativity In Creativity

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In this article, researchers look at the assessment of creativity in job candidates. Creativity is essential for businesses to succeed. According to Amabile, Conti, Coon, Lazenby and Herron, (1996), consumer demands for innovation, reduction in product life cycles and fierce competition in the marketplace require job candidates to possess attributes of creativity. Amabile et al. (1996) defines creativity as “novel and useful ideas in any domain” (p. 1155). Examples of creativity are demonstrated by an individual’s ability to handle conflict resolution and utilize problem-solving skills. Furthermore, a creative individual is capable of being self-managed. Experience in working and leading teams is also considered characteristic of creativity (Malakate, Andriopoulos, & Gotsi, 2007). There are four dimensions that assess creativity; individual, product, processes and environment (Malakate et al. 2007) To assess creativity, one compares personality traits that are common in creative individuals with traits of the job candidate. Traits associated with creativity include ambition, drive to succeed, a high level of self-confidence, resourcefulness, self-motivation and risk-taking. Personality tests are used in this type of assessment (Malakate et al. 2007). Also, cognitive abilities are used to assess creativity. Cognitive abilities evaluated include mental flexibility, remote associations, suspension of judgment, and originality …show more content…

It’s important to employ individuals with creativity to keep fresh ideas and to manage projects effectively. This article was extremely informative, provided resources as to different personality and cognitive tests that should be used to assess the creativity of an individual and provides a guide for evaluating creativity in job candidates. An improvement to the research article would be samples of structured interview questions employers could use for assessment of job

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