Education and Legal Status

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Should a child be allowed to get an education despite his/her legal status?

Three years ago, I witnessed an incident where a child was denied access to a local school because she didn’t have the relevant document needed by the school for registration. She was only nine when she migrated along with her parents to the Bahamas and her dream was to get into a primary school as soon as possible in order to pick up the necessary education needed to proceed to the next level, since she didn’t had the opportunity to get a start up education back at home. The document needed was a student permit or as many would call it a student visa that must be issued before migrating to other countries if a person wishes to further their education elsewhere. Since the child was unable to present this required document, admission was disapproved. Every child despite her legal status should be afforded the right to education. Many adults migrate voluntarily to other countries in search of a better life or future. Many dreamt of leaving their native land and seeking asylum in other countries in order that their children would be able to obtain proper schooling that they weren’t able to neither acquire nor provide. As a result, a lot of children are obliged to wander to other countries along with their parents not by choice but because their parents had to. One cannot blame or penalize a young child who had no decision in what her parents did in coming to a country. A child shouldn’t have to pay the consequences for an act she didn’t commit. The right of admission to education, the right to quality education and the right to respect within the learning environment should be granted to a child once she is able and willing to learn. According to Wikipedia, ...

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...child has no legal status will do more good than harm in many cases. Education can elevate many children out of poverty and be able to contribute completely in the communities. A child should be allowed an education despite his/her legal status because education is power and power is the key to success. It should be a need of society because the more educated people in society the better. No child should be left without an education; every child is entitled to an education because it’s a basic human right, education would reduce illiteracy among the population because illiteracy deprives people of knowledge and power and education would benefit society because it will produce properly trained and motivated citizens. Many would say education is power and where there is no knowledge the people perish. Education must be granted to a child despite his/ her legal status.

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