An Analysis Of Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots

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Females. Since birth, society places them into a category with certain expectations. Take for example, Alicia Keys. She has been in the public eye for quite some time. Although there are perks to being in the spotlight, there are also disadvantages. One of the most common obstacles Alicia Keys faces, especially as a woman, are contradictions. Constantly, she is challenged with the task of being herself while also being accepted by society. Consequently, you cannot completely fulfill one without neglecting the other. With all the pressure Alicia encounters in order to fulfill these standards, she risks the chance of losing herself in the midst of it all. Correspondingly, this is the essential message Coyle wants to convey to a group of young …show more content…

Throughout the story, the protagonist is constantly asking her mother questions that pertain specifically to her personal interests. Most of the questions are stereotypically correlated with young boys and what they typically do – activities such as riding bikes, climbing trees and playing in the rain. The protagonist has initially asked her mother if her interests are socially correct. Reassuringly, the mother responds to her daughter’s questions in a manner that suggests it is acceptable for her to resist binary standards. “Gender is such a familiar part of the daily life that it usually takes a deliberate disruption of our expectations of how women and men are supposed to act to pay attention to how its produced” (Lorber, 54). In this generation, gender plays a significant role in our thoughts on what is and is not socially acceptable for a female and male. It is such a norm that we unconsciously create two separate groups and suggest what activity corresponds to which group. Reluctantly, the mother does not want her daughter to dismiss a certain activity because it is only associated with the opposite sex. The mother suggests to her daughter that it is fitting to break from binary norms, however, that is not how she feels when it comes to social construction

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