Gender Stereotypes Essay

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Society has formed several stereotypes throughout the past decades, mainly about gender. Gender stereotypes start at infancy and develop drastically through a person’s life seemingly until death (Watzlawik, 2009). Gender stereotypes are classified as a widely held belief about characteristics thought appropriate for males and females (Weisgram, Dinella & Fulcher, 2011). For example, when you walk into the toy section of a store, you don’t need a sign to indicate which section is for the girls and which section is for the boys. These are stereotype for children, usually boy’s toys are dark colors such as blue or green and girl’s toys are colorful such as pink or purple. Society has placed labels on genders which have ultimately led to stereotypes. These gender stereotypes state that men must act “masculine” and women must act “feminine”. Masculine is characterized …show more content…

When people are born they are taught at an early age to be either feminine or masculine. Society has instilled in an individual’s brain that they have to live by these certain gender stereotypes. Society has made stereotypes that resulted in the world thinking women come second to men in every aspect of life. Women have been taught to be feeble to men and depend on them for social and economic happiness; meanwhile men have been taught to be “macho” and to take care of their households (Well, Kolk & Arrindell, 2005). For the individuals who dare to be different and choose to form their own identity, whether that is a man or woman are out casted and secluded from their community (Beller, Brattebø, Lavik, Reigstad & Bender, 2015). These particular stereotypes that society has mounted onto people have been a massive burden for men and especially women because they are the ones who have been negatively taught to be the inferior individual, unlike the men who are stereotyped as the superior

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