Theory Y Leadership Essay

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Knowing the different types of temperaments that people can have helps to know the behaviors that they may assume when in situations. When put in different situations people will respond in different manners. Like in war, some people freeze from fear while others act. According to the X-Y theory there are two types of leaders. The theory X leader takes responsibility of most of the work and doesn’t delegate, they struggle when it comes to empowering the people who work under them, and they take marching orders from the top of the chain of command. The theory Y leader is the exact opposite; they give independence, empower, and delegate responsibilities to the people who work under them. Knowing someone’s temperament is helpful in being knowledgeable …show more content…

I give them chores to do, but instead of sitting around and having them do all the work I would help them by putting away the dishes as they washed them and folding the clothes after they did the laundry. I would consider this as leading by example, a theory Y leader trait. One of my nieces has issues with her reading skills, so I took the initiative and tutored her with spelling words and we would get books from the library to read together. They would also come to me with problems and issues they had with friends or their family members. In the future I aim to become a doctor, so developing into a theory Y leader now will help to accomplish this …show more content…

He didn 't see the importance of pushing his soldiers to be the best that they could have been. He didn 't push or challenge or even demand discipline of them in any way which led them to be viewed as failures. On paper he was considered the best option for the job but once in that position he was too close to the soldiers that were under him. This caused him to make decisions based on them rather than their objectives. Because of this lack of discipline, they lost many men which caused them to have the low morale that they did when Savage took over. Davenport wanted to give them someone to lean on instead of lead them. Savage is Theory-Y; he approached his men believing they should work with ambition and respect. Savage pushed his men to take their responsibilities back and to strive for effective work - to push themselves as far as they could go.When one of his men snuck onto a flyer, he immediately demoted him, but in learning that the soldier had shown excellent skills, Savage promoted him and allowed him to slow his skills more. Savage followed his belief that hard and effective work is positive, but he does not accept

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