The Difference Between Leadership Vs. Management

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My opinion is the difference I see between the leaders and the managers is that one is

revolutionary, an adventurer, explorer and visionary. He opens new doors. The other is more

evolutionary, a builder, a grower. He sees what is needed for people to successfully pass through

new doors and helps them prepare for it. Both are important. From my perspective, the big

picture on leadership is that we humans function best when leadership is a shared function that at

times looks like visioning; at times managing; at times encouraging, and leadership is never a

one person thing despite the tendency our culture has to focus on the person in charge or the

person at the top.

The terms management and leadership are often interchanged. …show more content…

Previously, we reserved these

characteristics for leaders. While the main focus of management is on efficiency, that doesn 't

mean assembly-line mindlessness in today 's world. Modern managers are more like coaches,

facilitators or catalysts than assembly line controllers (Center).

Both leadership and management are functions but only management is a role. That is,

you need to be appointed to a managerial position, but anyone can show leadership regardless of

whether they are managers or not. This has a liberating effect, one that makes it clear how front

line employees who don 't manage people can show leadership bottom-up. This is crucial in any

business that needs everyone thinking in order to beat the competition. When I say that anyone

can be a leader, I don 't mean that everyone necessarily has what it takes even to manage a small

team, let alone rise to the top. On my definition, showing leadership simply means convincing

people to do something different, regardless of your position.

Managers tend to adopt impersonal, if not passive, attitudes toward goals. Manager’s

goals arise out of necessities rather than desire and, therefore, are deeply embedded in

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