Omnivore Diet Essay

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An omnivore diet involves taking both animal and plant foods. It is the most common diet among humans. The diet consists of lean meats a good source of high-quality proteins, vitamins such as Vitamin B and E, minerals such as zinc, magnesium and iron. These vitamins and minerals function to fight serious diseases such as heart disease, stroke obesity among others. In other words, this diet is complete, it consist of foods from the five food groups. While people take a balanced diet (all essential nutrients), they also consume other harmful nutrients such as excess intake of sodium, saturated fat, added sugar and trans fats that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. People who take more red meat and processed meat are at risk of heart …show more content…

An important type of oil that aids in reducing the risk of heart diseases. Further, one should not just take foods from all the five food groups to stay healthy. The important thing is making the right food choices, taking the right proportions, amounts and the right calories consumed in a day. Moreover, it is important to use the right methods of preparation to ensure that there is no loss of nutrients. Further, consume at least each of the foods from the different food groups in each meal. As Weaver (2009) explains, eat at least three meals a day and avoiding added sugars is equally …show more content…

Some studies have established that BMI rather than diet aided in the high blood pressures, a leading cause of heart diseases. Hence, dietary interventions together with exercise aids in weight management leading to reduced BMIs (Rajaram & Sabaté, 2000). Consequently, low BMIs may lead to reduced blood pressures thus, reduced the risk for CVDs. Also, there is increased the risk of Ischemic heart diseases in omnivores than in vegetarians and vegans. This increased risks is because of the high BMIs and poor lifestyle habits such as smoking, intake of alcohol and poor dietary practices. Davis & Kris-Etherton (2003) elaborate further that differences in blood lipid levels also explains the increased risks of heart diseases among

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