Paleolithic Diet Essay

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The Paleolithic Diet, also referred to as the Paleo Diet, is consuming foods similar to what hunter-gatherers had during the Stone Age. The purpose of this research is to see whether this particular diet is the best lifestyle to follow and if it is the most beneficial diet for humans. Today, more people are focused on losing weight and finding a way to keep weight off for long periods of time. By reverting back to what our ancestors did during the ancient times by surviving off of natural foods from the earth, will we see the most beneficial changes? This paper looks at multiple research conducted on people who changed their lifestyle to match that of the hunter-gatherers, and what changes were made in their body by doing this. Overall,
The Paleolithic or Paleo diet, has been proven to have positive impacts on a persons health. The Paleo diet reverts back to the human diet that was consumed during the Stone Age, and how hunter-gatherers consumed food before farming and processed food. The focus is on natural foods and getting rid of processed and unnatural foods. The new age diet which consists of the processed unnatural foods, has been one of the causes to higher weight and chronic diseases such as; heart disease, diabetes, hypertension. By changing what humans are consuming to be more natural foods and taking on a more Paleolithic diet, research has shown that humans have become healthier and in some cases they even rid themselves of the chronic disease. Consuming the Paleo diet can be difficult due to the fact that natural and organic foods are more expensive, and take longer to prep time before eating, and those affected with chronic diseases tend to be in low income societies. The more obtainable foods for people of low socioeconomic status are the processed and unnatural foods. The Paleo diet has been shown to be a benefit to those that have switched from their poor eating habits to more positive eating habits with decrease weight and decreased chronic

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