Overview Of The Algebra II Eoi Test

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It was from Britain that standardized testing originated, not only throughout the commons of Britain, but to Europe and then America. A big contributing factor to the growth of standardized testing in the United States was immigration. Standardized tests were used in immigration when people first came over to test social roles and find social power and status. EOI tests have the same purpose as competency tests. It assesses a student’s abilities and knowledge of objectives and concepts (FACTS End-Of-Instruction).
The purpose of the Alegebra II EOI test is to measure the proficiency at the end of instruction in Algebra II. According to Oklahoma C³ Standards (“Okla. Core Curriculum Tests”), Students are tested on a variety of concepts, like number sense and algebratic operations, relations and functions, data analysis, probability, and statistics. (as showed in figure 1) Students are also tested on major concepts that are recommended to be taught in depth using a varity of methods. Among these concepts are skills such as identifying graphs and writing equations of the conic selection...

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