What Is Texting And Driving Essay

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In recent years, distracted driving has become a major plague that has infected our nation’s roads. Regardless of the risks, millions of people text while driving. Driving while texting or reading text messages for that matter is responsible for limitless problems. Texting while driving causes a decrease of attention once he or she looks away from the road, a distraction from the road and other motorist around them, and limited physical control over the ever changing road. Whether people believe one can safely text while driving, or just do not feel there is any danger in taking their eyes off the road does not matter. Sending and receiving a text messages has a negative consequence one’s life, distracted driving must be stopped. Driving …show more content…

Cell phones give people access to their lives by an assortment of methods, at any time and any place. This day and age, time to communicate is limited. It is no surprise that we live in an increasing fast paced society. Virtually everyone these days has a demanding schedule. Texting is a simple, high-speed way to respond and still keep up with what one was doing in their busy schedule. Some people don’t take the time to think when he or she is driving. One must look and answer that text when it comes in or he or she may miss something so critical that is more important than what is in front or around them. Some people even slow down to read and answer a text message, as slowing down to such an extent to impede the flow of traffic, is somehow safer. One possible cause for teenagers is peer pressure. Every teenager has a cell phone these days. Texting and tweeting has become the new trendy thing to do. Fitting in and having that life line in their hand has sadly becomes the only thing important in some teenager’s lives. Keeping in touch and texting each other consumes their time and becomes a sole priority. This cause leads to recklessness and a total disregard for other motorist. An additional possible cause maybe a behavior disorder. Some feel texting while driving is an irrational behavior, similar to an addiction to alcohol or drugs (UA Researchers). A study conducted by the Walton College in 2011 surveyed more than 900 people about their cellphone use while driving. The researchers concluded that behavior associated with excessive cellphone usage, especially texting, is similar to mild obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) tendencies (UA Researchers). Some people can’t avoid the urge to answer the text regardless off what one is doing in the vein of driving. Texting and driving can be compared to drinking and driving as well. As with drinking and driving, texting while will only lead to disaster. It does not matter if a driver considers

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