Dangers and Consequences of Texting While Driving

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STOP the Text Stop the Wrecks! Firstly, Texting and driving is killing our society. Operating a vehicle while texting is resulting into many problems. One major problem texting and driving results in are fatalities in motor vehicle crashes. Says the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2015 3,477 people were killed and an estimate of 391,000 people injured due to motor vehicle crashes because of distracted drivers who are texting while operating a vehicle. Another problem we have is rules and regulations our society isn’t complying with. On May 16,2016 Matt Rocheleau reported that Massachusetts drivers are getting more tickets for operating a vehicle while texting, bewteen state and local police gave 6,131 tickets in a year. Another problem texting and driving results in is unnecessary insurance claims due to lack of self-responsibility. People often are making insurance claims when they crash for texting and driving. It is costing 45.8 Billion in insurance yearly for distracted drivers texting while operating a vehicle said …show more content…

However, there are things we can do ourselves to Collab with the government to put texting and driving to an end. Such as self-discipline which comes down to us turning off our phone responsibly before driving or turning it on silent, the government has citations that later can affect our License if we don’t comply with the law. You can also invest in a blue-tooth headset if communicating with anyone while driving is urgent. Most important use your brain people. Think realistically. Be wise. You, me, us as drivers are in control when we drive so let’s be more responsibility and drive as License individual’s we are. We cannot predict what can happen on the road but we got ways of being responsible within ourselves to make it a safer environment to drive in, in which everyone listens and no one texts and

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