Cyberbullying: Teachers, Parents, and Administrators' Resolutions

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Cyberbullying: Teachers, Parents, and Administrators’ Resolutions
Cyber bullying happens when kids bully each other through any form of electronic technology, such as through the internet or by cellphone text messages. Cyber bullies do it to torment, threaten, hurt, harass, and humiliate other peers in a deliberate and hostile manner, repeatedly. It is between a minor on both sides, once an adult is involved it becomes cyber-harassment. Cyber bullying has become more common in schools amongst teens. Teens do it out of jealousy, because they are having their own problems at home and don’t know how to deal with it, or they just do it for fun. Examples are mean text messages or emails, rumors posted on social networking sites, embarrassing pictures, videos, or fake profiles. It is important to stop cyber bullying because this can cause serious damage to one’s mental health, academic work, and physical health. It is the responsibilities of the teachers, parents, and administrators to protect their students and children from the vicious internet.
Bullying is an aggressive behavior that harms or causes distress. It usually occurs when there is an imbalance of strength. It is hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting, taunting, teasing, verbal harassment. Cyber bullying is different from regular bullying because it can happen 24 hours a day. It invades one’s home and personal space as well as school environment. Messages and images can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to very wide audiences. Bystanders can also become perpetrators if they pass on emails or text messages. It is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to trace. Deleting inappropriate messages is challenging after they have been posted. Occurrences may sometim...

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Cyberbullying is a huge problem today, especially in the classrooms amongst teens. Some teachers do not care and don’t pay attention to the students’ cry for help; they think that it “is part of life.” (Cassidy, Brown, and Jackson, 2012) Parents on the other hand are not even conscious of the new social networks today, they do not know how quick and easy cyberbullying can start or how difficult it is to end it. Many students, due to the effects of cyberbullying, have committed suicide because no one came to help when they need it.
It is important to stop cyber bullying because this can cause serious damage to one’s mental health, academic work, and physical health. It is the responsibilities of teachers, parents, and administrators to protect their students and children from being viciously attacked by their own peers and complete strangers.

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