Advantages And Disadvantages Of The European Union

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In this essay I will be discussing the reasons behind the creation of the European Union. I will be go into detail on the condition of Europe post World War Two and the division between the East and West which was caused by ongoing tension between the United States of America and USSR. I will state the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of the European Union and whether the European Union has been a success or not.
As the dust settled post World War Two, European governments faced a number of social and economic challenges to attempt to rebuild Europe. Following the aftermath of the war, there was a notion within Europe that the destruction which the war caused could bring about political, social, economic and cultural integration within Europe.
This optimistic idea bought about the creation of the European Union of Federalists
In 1951 the Treaty of Paris was signed with the purpose of preventing any future wars and stabilising European economies. This was key to the creation of the EU as this treaty also established the European Coal and Steel Community which meant enemies during WW2 France and Germany were now sharing the production of coal and steel. The Treaty of Paris was signed between France, West Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Italy and Belgium who would also later come together on 25th March 1957 to sign The Treaty of Rome to establish the European Economic Community which would later be renamed to the European Union. The Treaty of Rome was put into force on the 1st January 1958 and helped to establish a European Parliament, a European Court of Justice, a Council of Ministers and a European Commission which were all staffed from member states. All the following European treaties such as The Treaty of Maastricht, Treaty of Amsterdam and Treaty of Nice have built upon the Treaty of Rome to help continue European

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