The European Union is a Strong and Powerful Organization

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The Europea n Union is certainly one of the most powerful and organized organisations in the world, nowadays, it regroups about 500 millions people all over 28 countries in the European continent. On the contrary a very strange structure and some political and economical arrangements were done during the past years making the EU law sometime confusing and frustrating for some other countries. During this essay we will explain how the European Union is structured, explaining the most important institutions and how these institutions interact with each other knowing that sometimes exceptions are made for someone’s and not for others. Creating problem between parties. The aim of this essay is to understand the EU structure and assess how the EU laws are applied to such an organisation. We will answer the two questions basing our research and work on “Law for business students“ written by Alix Adams and some other resources as well.

The parliament

The European Parliament shares a legislative and budgetary power with the Council of the Union. Elected by the Parliament in 2012 (17th of June) the speaker is Martin Schulz (S&D). The parliament counts 766 members who are elected every five years by universal suffrage (the people) and members are sited according to their political affiliation.

They represent about 380 million people (one of largest democratic election all over the world) and as the only directly elected body of the European Union.

The Councils

Firstly, the councils are composed by two very different councils; “The Council of ministers” and the “European council”, these two have a similar name but are completely different.

The “The Council of ministers” is composed of 28 national ministers (one per each country), b...

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...onomic rights, as contrasted with civil and political rights, should be included in the EU Charter. Again, it will be suggested that the social partners may play an innovative role in developing and implementing fundamental social and labour rights.


To conclude if we give a broad and general look on how the European institutions are organized and how the European laws are applied to this zone, we can firstly say that the European union is a very strong and powerful institution with a solid core and some very influent members. We can also note that most of these institutions are linked together and so each institution interacts with each other. This very positive and strong aspect of the EU but the issue is that a political and economical pressure could impact on the principals ones when it comes to a vast problem solvency. More regarding the measures

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