The Council Of Trent-Ayik Trent

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The Council of Trent - Ayik Malual

The Council of Trent played a significant role in determining the result of the reformation. It was a gathering of the Priests, Bishops and Cardinals to discuss our matters of faith and determined the changes. It was held between december 1545-1563 under the support of three different Popes. (Paul III, Julius IIII, and Pius IV) in Trento & Bologna (Italy). The council being formed was a response to the protestants reformation, so they read and listened to their propositions.

The Council of Trent was called because of Martin Luther’s rebel against the practises of the sacraments. He was a monk of the church yet he became one of the most influential and powerful figures in the history of church. He questioned …show more content…

The Church believed that through Baptism you are cleansed and that you are free from original sin but the council announced that we can be cleansed through baptism but we can not fully be cleansed because once you have been Baptised you are still under the temptation of sinning. This issue was important to the council, they affirmed and readdressed this matter and as a church community we now all follow this new church law as it is stated in the Tridentine Creed. “I embrace an receive all and every one of the things which have been defined and declared in the holy Council of Trent concerning original sin and …show more content…

The Creed declared sacramental practises by reassuring that it was stated in the creed for us to follow. ‘’I also profess that there are truly and properly Seven Sacraments of the New Law, instituted by Jesus Christ our Lord, and necessary for the salvation of mankind’’ By reading this part of the creed we are declaring and vowing that in order for our souls to be saved (receiving salvation) we must first believe that there are truly Seven Sacraments were directly made by Jesus

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