Infant Baptism and Adult Baptism

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According to the bible everyone (adult or child) who recognizes Jesus

and his works and try to follow him should be baptized. But in the

bible there is no record of infants being baptized. Though many say

this is because they are not able to understand the need of a saviour.

Yet God places children as a high priority, when asked who is the

greatest in the kingdom of God, Jesus responded, " Unless you change

and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven"

(Matthew 18:3). Also I think it is fair to say that if to enter the

kingdom of God you have to be rid of original sin and cleansed then

this can only be done by Baptism. What if a baby died without being

baptized, where would it go? The bible also clearly tells us that the

Kingdom of God belongs to little children (mark 10:14).

Churches who practice infant baptism use such scriptures as Psalms to

claim that we are born with sin and are unsaved. But others tend to

disagree and say, we are born with sinful nature, but not with sin,

which a baby could not repent of. Jesus himself was born of a woman;

if we were born with sin then Jesus would have been sinless. In

Matthew 11:25 Jesus says that things have been revealed to the little

children, which are hidden from the wise and learned.

My interpretation of this is that as children grow older, their hearts

harden to the knowledge of the world fills them. Some would say that

this is when the blood of Christ is needed to cover their sins; this

is when they should be baptized. Some also believe that Baptism is a

serious step as it is a commitment to a set of beliefs. It is

important that the person who is making those beliefs understands what

they are saying.

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