Reflection On Communication

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This semester has made me assess myself in way I would not have done had I not been encouraged to through the text and class work. As people, I feel we have a one sided view of ourselves, and do not take the time to really see ourselves. Most times, people are either usually only positive about themselves, which can lead to being conceited. Or, they are mostly negative about themselves, which can lead to low self-esteem. I deducted that some of my communications strengths are: I remember people and things they do very well, listen to people well, and engage with people to make them feel important. I do my best to genuinely treat people the way I would want to be treated, and not judge based on stereotypes.
On the flip side of those strengths, I am aware I have many areas of communication weakness that I need to improve upon. Some of those areas are: being patient when communicating with others, and letting people know I value their opinions and ways of doing things, rather than acting like my way is the best. Sometimes I tend to come across that my ways are the right ways, and another person’s are not worth consideration. That is not because I do not want to hear what another person has to say, but more so rooted in how opinionated I am. I have been trying harder to …show more content…

As I have already mentioned, I realized I am not as skilled of a listener as I had previously thought. It is not that I am not listening to a person, but more so that I over analyze what they said, and therefore hear them incorrectly. Listening intently can be hard to do continuously. It is important to realize that each person listens differently, and try to understand what they are saying, and also how they may interpret what you are saying. Listening can be very different depending on the situation. I found that I listen better, when the conversation is not impacting my own pre conceived thoughts, and when it benefits

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