Keep Patients Safe By Reducing Accidental Falls

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Keeping patients safe is one of the highest priorities in health care. Accidental falls can cause unnecessary pain and suffering, increase mortality and morbidity, and increase the cost and length of stay in the hospital. “A fall is conceptualized as unintentionally coming to rest on the ground, floor, or other lower level.” If the patient lost balance and was lowered to the ground by a helper or was found on the ground, both the attended and unattended situations are considered a fall” (Tzeng & Yin, 2010, p. 267). Patients in psychiatric facilities are often at high risk for falls related to many factors including decreased mental status, acute psychosis and antipsychotic medications. “Studies assessing fall rates in inpatient services have demonstrated a higher frequency of falls on psychiatric units” (Lavsa, Fabian, Saul, Corman, & Coley, 2010, p. 1274). Due to the high risk factors associated with this population, the Behavioral Health Services department I work for implemented a fall prevention program using evidence-based practice.

PICOT Question

 Which nursing interventions are most likely to reduce the number of patient falls and associated injuries per month in Behavioral Health Services?

To find the right evidence to answer a focused foreground question it is advisable to formulate a PICOT question to assist in the search. A PICOT question is formulated by including the target population, intervention or issue of interest, comparison, outcome of the intervention and time frame associated with the outcome (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011, p. 29). To assist in finding the latest evidence-based practice to incorporate in the the fall prevention program in the Behavioral Health Department the following PICOT ...

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...or the hospital to see if changes and improvements can be made to existing policy.

To evaluate the fall prevention program, the BHS unit keeps a daily fall record to indicate is a fall occurred on the unit. This calendar is colorful and displayed in the nurse’s station as a reminder for all staff to be mindful of fall prevention. Based on these statistics the fall prevention team can analyze if the program has reduced to number of fall monthly and even yearly when compared to last year’s results.

Based on the review of previous falls, the statistics indicate that falls and patient injuries have decreased from the previous year by ten percent. By utilizing evidence-based practice and synthesis of internal and external evidence the fall prevention program proved to be effective and results in increased patient safety and improved overall patient outcomes.

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